Body Image Part 4 ~The Words We Say to Ourselves

We all do it. We stand in the mirror and we look at our bodies and we wish things could be better. Maybe my tummy is too poochie. Maybe my arms are too flappy. Maybe my eyes are too wrinkled. Maybe my grey hair is showing too much.

We always want to be better – and that is not necessarily a bad thing. It gives us a challenge to continually improve ourselves. However, it needs to always be done with positivity and kindness to ourselves and that begins with the WORDS we say to ourselves.

I hear people say things all the time that are self deprecating- “Who would want to date a fat girl like me”, “Maybe if I lose weight someone will love me”, “I hate my body”, “I look disgusting”.

Words hurt and you would never allow someone to speak to your friend that way – so why would you speak to yourself that way?

Sometimes it’s hard to say the words to yourself because you just don’t feel them. But here’s the catch… The more you say the words the more you will believe them. The more you believe them, the more TRUE they become. And let me tell you the MOST BEAUTIFUL thing about anyone is a smile, confidence and a good attitude.

And let me tell you this – your kids are listening and they will DO what you do. You would never want them to talk to themselves that way, so you just can’t set that example.

So start small and say what you like about yourself out loud every day. “I love my shoulders”, “I love my calves”, “I love my smile”. And own it!!

There will always be stuff you need to work on, but that doesn’t change the amazing person who you are within. And that amazing person needs to SHINE!!

