Paul Heath

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October’s extraordinary athlete is Paul Heath, which is timely because around this time last year his lovely wife, Julie, was our extraordinary athlete! However, this time last year it wasn’t very easy to get Paul into the gym. During one of his first sessions he twisted around to pick up a heavy kettle bell and pulled a muscle in his back. He was pretty out of shape (like we all are when we are starting) and each workout was torture.2014-3-20 029

However, over time he kept showing up more and more often. He gradually got stronger and stronger. Over the summer he and Julie decided to try a cleanse and suddenly he lost a bunch of weight!

Recently Paul had his annual medical checkup. His blood pressure is the lowest it has been in years and he lost 70 points in his cholesterol!!! He has also lost several belt notches and had to buy new clothes – poor guy.

2014-3-5 004Paul is typical of most of us when we begin this journey. We just want to lose a few pounds and be able to have a healthier life. But as we get a little stronger and we become a part of the box community and we start seeing those little changes, then it gets in our heads that maybe if I just changed this one thing then I can do just a little bit more… And so we do. Then those little changes start adding up and suddenly we are stronger, fitter, healthier and having fun doing it all.

Way to go Paul! Keep up the good work!!

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